Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bozeman, MT

We made it to Bozeman, MT last night and we are staying in a really nice KOA. The trip went fine and we had no problems with "Howie" (also known as our Home on Wheels) or with the truck. Caden was feeling really sick, but is a bit better today.

Yesterday, we did stop at about lunch time and Caden and I went for about a 1.5 mile hike to a used book store outside of Spokane. We couldn't get close enough with the trailer. It worked out fine, as Boyd had to upload some items, so he stayed with the trailer and worked while we were on our hike.

Caden managed to find a book she was looking for and then we hiked back to the truck and continued our journey.

Today, we were able to track down some friends who live in Bozeman. We weren't able to spend very much time with them, but hope to see them for a bit tomorrow before we head to Yellowstone.

We are enjoying our stay here in Montana. The drive here was beautiful, even though we did have to go through tons of mountain passes. The truck did great and we were able to maintain a good speed throughout the trip.

We are excited for Yellowstone and will keep everyone posted on our progress.

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